Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gentleness has Power

9:55 p.m
"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near." Philippians 4:5
Gentleness….I am gentle, right?
I think I am gentle? I would actually say I used to be too gentle. Is that possible? I would let the words of others overpower me or allow me to think that my words didn’t have meaning. Then I learned otherwise. I learned to believe that my words are important, are valuable, do have meaning. So then, maybe, I went through a phase of being more direct than gentle. But, I would say I have found a balance now. That has nothing to do with this scripture! Back on track…
Being gentle because the Lord is near spurs me to share. Share the gospel! And share it with love, kindness and GENTLENESS. Why? We do this to draw in others rather than create a spirit of fear. Let my life of gentleness be an example to my children, be a light to a dark world, be a reason that someone asks “What is different about you?” and my answer would be “JESUS!”
10:00 p.m.

Check out Gypsy Mama and write for five minutes with wild abandon. No worrying, no editing yourself, no wondering if you could have done it better. Just simply write. It is free therapy. 

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