Friday, April 8, 2011

Made to be a Mama

As a little girl, I loved baby dolls. Loved them! I played school, adoption agency, daycare operator and babysitter all day. I felt like I was born to be a mama. I was a bit anxious when the age 22, 25, 28 and 32 came and went and there were no babies.
My day finally came at the age of 34. And I realized God knew what He was doing when He had me wait. To my shock, it wasn’t as easy as playing adoption. I was surprised! I felt like life became one continuous prayer, “God HELP me!” Besides God, what I found, most helpful was being surrounded by other moms. Moms who were exactly where I was and moms who had been there and done that. Joining myself with others has allowed me to wade through my questions, worries, doubts and celebrate the JOYS!
   “Agree with each other. Love each other. Be deep-spirited friends.” Phillippians 2:2 (MSG)

Welcome to Cravings: desiring God in the midst of motherhood. In thinking of the many women I have walked this path of motherhood with, I have created a definition of a Cravings Mama.
I hope it resonates with you. Cravings will provide you with encouragement, inspiration, and resources.  
I want to travel together on this journey of craving God in the midst of motherhood. I look forward to getting to know you and hearing your heart.
Question of the day: What has been the biggest surprise to you in motherhood? 

1 comment:

  1. Carey! This is awesome and I 'm so glad you've created this website! I know it will be an encouragement to so many, me included!

    The most surprising thing to me about motherhood is just how exhausting it can be!


Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: