Wednesday, June 27, 2012

PPJ not to be confused with PB&J

This month on the July To-Do list I am offering you a coupon code to download a free Praying with Pictures {a Journal}. This is the original post that inspired the journal. Maybe you just want to make your own or have your kids create their own. Whatever it is make sure to 
1 Thessalonians 5:17

***originally posted 4/12/11
 “I thank my God every time I remember you” Philippians 1:3

Motherhood has put me in a constant mode of prayer. I praise Him for the joys and blessings and pray against the things of the world I fear most for my children. But, I feel like what I have lost is time for focused prayer. I have a running list of prayer requests in my head that never get my attention.
What I love about God is that it doesn’t have to be one way or the highway. My prayers are going to count no matter if I spend hours on my knees over them or if I throw them up like a Hail-Mary football pass.
I have recently found it helpful to create a picture prayer journal {ppj}. It is nothing fancy! I happened to have one of those photo albums laying around that had paper surrounding the area where you place the picture. A composition notebook or even folded computer paper would do the trick. I filled the album with pictures of my kids, family, friends, pictures of world events, dreams and more. I flip through the album and place the date and write the first word that comes to my mind when I see the picture.
These are my prayers! I am thankful it can be simple.
Question: What is most intimidating to you about prayer?
Links to all the July Freebies:
July To-Do List
Recipe Card for a Joyful July
Praying with Pictures {a journal}

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea! This would be great for my kids, too! I am going to make my PPJ this week <3.


Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: