Friday, May 13, 2011

Quick reminder. Don't be stupid.

It is time for Five Minute Friday. We link up with Gypsy Mama and write for five minutes with wild abandon. No worrying, no editing your self, no wondering if you could have done it better. Just simply write.
this is the verse I needed to breath in today...
“Don't be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do.” Ephesians 5:17 (CEV) 
10:43 p.m.
I am not really a fan of the word stupid but I did need the bluntness of this translation. You see, I experienced a disappointment recently. I wanted something and I didn’t get. Honestly, I am not used to that. It frustrates me and fills me with lots of “why” type questions. My instinct is to dig a hole, crawl in and give up. My second instinct is to say God knows better than I do and has a plan beyond my wildest imagination. After a good few hours in a pity party, I go with my second instinct.
Can I put my trust in that? I should be able to. I have seen Him do it in my life and others lives over and over again. The problem is I want to write my own story. I want to be the storyteller and I think I know how the ending should go. But the reality is that the story never has the best ending possible when I write it. If I was writing my story, I would have one kid, not two. If I was writing my story, I would be a famous movie star walking the red carpet rather than a Family Life Director. If I was writing my story, I be rolling in dough rather than learning the Godly principles in Financial Peace. I could write a million of these. God always has a better ending than I do. Always. Just ask Him to tell you a story.
10:48 p.m.

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