Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Finding Jesus.

“You have this faith and love because of your hope, and what you hope for is kept safe for you in heaven. You learned about this hope when you heard the message about the truth, the Good News that was told to you.” Colossians 1:5-6a (NCV)

1976. Family baptism picture. 
I wish I could remember the exact moment.
I wish...was it in a song like "Jesus Loves Me", was it a story told through a felt board, was it kneeling beside my white wrought iron bed with my parents on either side of me offering my little prayers to God?
What was the moment? I wish I could remember.
Was I three, seven, twelve? Was it in the water placed upon my bald head when I was a wee baby? Was it in the pages of my kid diary, or the sad times when I was made fun of, or the peaceful times I felt at home in the church?
What was the moment? I wish I could remember.
The feeling of Him has always been there so it must have been created in a moment, right? There hasn't been a moment that has existed without Him there. 
 Always there to listen to me cry, to hear my heart ache, to understand my anger, and calm my worry.
My constant, steady, never left my side best friend.
I want to capture that moment – I want to holler to the world that I have the moment in a bottle so the kids can line up and come drink from the moment.
I want them to know Him, be consumed by Him.
I want them to never have to worry, never have to fear, never have to doubt.
But, can I really do anything to make that moment happen?
I can't. 
We can't fashion it, invent it, stage it.  We have to live it, share it, be it.
The moments bond together creating a blanket to rest in. 
 It is so much simpler than the grandness we strive for.
It is in the smile, the hello, the question of “how are you?” and a ear that actually listens.
 It is in the hugs, laughter, and prayer that the moment forms.
It's my story, your story, their story that the moment begins. What was the moment?
I remember!  The moment was simply you, Jesus. Simply you. 

Joining Gypsy Mama in the great joy of writing with wild abandon!

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