Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Doing the worry jump.

catching air
Jump, jump and laugh.
Jump, jump, and giggle.
Jump, jump, and ouch!

My kids have a new pre-bedtime game they like to play called “jumping on the bed.” They love it and I…well, I worry. I worry someone will fall off the end, that heads will “bonk” too hard, that a bone will get broken. While I give them permission, smile at them with joy, my insides are in knots of worry.
Why do I let them jump? I could say “no” but I have never been able to let go of this quote.

“If you can’t bounce on your bed at nine years old, when can you? Before you know it, you not only stop bouncing on your bed, you stop skipping, you stop playing hide-and-seek, you stop playing” Dangerous Wonder, Michael Yaconelli

happy camper
While protection is a role in our “mother” job description there is a fine line between protecting our children and worrying about our children. Deep in me I don’t want my motherly worry to infect my children. I want them to…
dare to dream,
and sail great seas.
But most of all I don’t want them to realize what my worry means. Because lets’ face it worry means I don’t trust God. There I said it. It is out in the open.
Worry means I don’t trust God.
I don’t trust God. That is not fun to admit.
But what don’t I trust exactly?
Do I doubt there is a heaven? Do I doubt that God is in charge? Do I doubt that I could handle it if something happened to my kids or family?
I must doubt something?
What I doubt the most is humanness. Does that make sense?
My worry is an attempt to have control over a situation that is not mine to control.
What if my husband was in a horrible car wreck today? What if my child was injured at preschool today? What if things don’t go the way I think they should at work? What if I pour energy into things that are a big fat FAIL? What if?
“What if” should really be replaced with “So what?”

So, what if my husband was in a horrible car wreck today? “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
So, what if I pour energy into things that are a big fat fail? “He must increase, but I must decrease” John 3:30
So, what if something unexpected happen to my children? “Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

His word says “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.” Matthew 6:25 Jesus doesn’t want us worrying. He wants us knowing He has got us in the palm of His hand through the joys and through the pains.
Worrying stinks as bad as an uncontained diaper!!!  It is this stinky little devil that turns big and sucks me dry. 
What is a mama to do? Here are my humble suggestions. I would like to hear yours.
1.      Don’t fake it! We can put on a happy face all the time and pretend life is always full of dusty pink roses but what is reality? Be real with your friends about where you are in life. I am not condoning being a “Debbie Downer” but I do encourage authenticity with your community. They can remind you what is real.
2.     Keep your eyes open. When you find yourself worrying about a situation or a circumstance are you looking for how God has already provided? Are you able to see how God is using what you are worrying about to draw you or someone else closer to Him? If you take a time-out in the midst of your worry you can see God all over the place.
3.      Memorize scripture. When you are in the midst of a worry and panic, it is valuable to be able to draw on scripture that reminds you that God has got this and He is so much bigger than we can ever imagine. See the scriptures cited above.  
Where are you at with worry? Does it plague you? Can you brush it off?
The conversation continues tomorrow…
P.S. - Are you digging his mis-matched craziness? 
My jumping machine.

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