Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Helmet of Salvation

My daughter has a special keepsake box that she keeps in her room that holds all the treasures of her heart.  I find it often, with all of its contents spread throughout her room.  I don’t know what prompted me to sit and go through it the other day but I sat down and started fingering through its contents.  I found myself smiling as I reminisced with her at all of her cards, pictures and words of encouragement that she has received.  She kept asking me, “Now who gave me this one?” and “Can I keep this one forever?”  It is so amazing to see how much joy she has received from these simple little renderings.  I love how simple a child’s mind can be. 
But, then I think, how simple is mine? 
Have I truly grasped God’s greatest gift to me, the gift of salvation? 
For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people.  Titus 2:11

In Ephesians 6:17 Paul says to “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” As children of God this is something that is given to us freely.  Salvation through Jesus has appeared to all, it is up to us to realize that we cannot make it through life on our own accord.  Have you ever noticed that when you do try to make it through life on your own accord that is when you fail or burnout?  The reason I am asking is because this happens to me often. And I stress the word often. It is at those times when I fall on my knees and thank God that I do not have to do it on my own accord.  Funny how at that precise moment is when it all turns around and I feel safe and energized again.
If you have ever seen pictures of a Roman helmet you would see that it is ornate and beautifully decorated.  It fit tightly around the soldiers head so he was protected from his enemies…just as we are protected by God’s gift of salvation.
A photo brings me back into the moment.  The photo is of my daughter and me on her fourth birthday.  We are dressed in our Sunday best if you will.  We are wearing giant hats with feather boas.  We were at a tea party that day.  We drank with our pinkies extended and called each other darling.  It was a good day.  And I say out loud, “Lord, thank you for your gift of salvation and great hats,” and my heart is warmed.
Wearing my hat proudly, 

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