Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are you feeling guilty yet?

Personal Retreat - '05
Are you feeling guilty for not having a Sabbath in your wild, busy, out of control, want to cry some days, to-do list filled life?
Or are you thinking I am crazy for asking you to organize, plan, or figure out one more thing?
Well here is the deal I wouldn’t nudge you towards Sabbath if it wasn’t mission critical.
Jesus says “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27
True, it is a requirement of us but it is not so God can get to know us more. He already knows every hair on your head so there really isn’t much more for Him to explore.
Having a Sabbath is so we can know God more.
Do you need direction? Have a Sabbath.
Do you seek more patience? Have a Sabbath.
Do you want more joy? Have a Sabbath.
Do you have questions that require answers? Have a Sabbath.
I am guessing you get my point. Whatever your list of woes is right now a Sabbath can answer them because it will give you time to rest in God. And resting not wrestling with God answers everything.
Can you do me a small favor? If the idea of figuring out how to dedicate a whole day to spending time with God feels impossible can you start small? Can you give a half hour or 2 hours?
Answer these questions for me:
What is one thing that keeps you from God?
What is one thing you would like to know from God right now?
Are you willing to give up that one thing that keeps you from knowing God more to get your answer…even if it means finding a babysitter for an hour?
I really do dare you to try it. Double dog dare you.
If you aren’t willing to give it a shot then I would challenge you to ask yourself what scares you about the idea? 

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