Thursday, September 8, 2011

Are you ignoring God? Stop that!

"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." Genesis 3:8-10

cook. cleaner. giggle maker. bath giver. prayer warrior. reader. laundry doer. driver. lunch packer. disciplinarian. shopper. playmate. worrier. diaper changer. potty trainer. birthday party giver. band-aid finder. coach. teacher. drivers ed instructor.

Motherhood is LOVE! It is busy. It is joy. It is overwhelming. It is life altering. It is tiring. It is emotional. IT IS a calling!
That can be forgotten. But I wonder how often we are like Adam? How often do we use the busyness that comes with motherhood to hide from God? How often do we hear Him knock, whisper, nudge, and rather than answer we run and hide because we fear we can’t take anymore?
I know, I am certain that there is one of you that is reading this (p.s. - thanks for reading this) that has a God given risk churning in your heart that needs to come out of hiding. What is it? Is it a dream to create, write, serve, cook, invent, sew, or teach? I understand the fears, I promise I do! I can’t even tell you the number of God given nudges that I have stowed away or buried so deep that they are unrecoverable. But I can also tell you that a willingness to walk into the risk, the fear, the unknown will allow you to feel more at home with who you have been created by God to be. I am not saying it is rosy with no ups and downs but what I am saying is that you will feel more connected to your Creator if you are fulfilling the mission He has for you on earth.
I feel like I am talking at you rather than with you. Sorry, about that. But this is something I am incredibly passionate about. I want you to know the person God created you to be. I want you to be at home in her.
How are you? Where are you? Do you have a nudge you need to answer?
Praying for you.

Please stop by tomorrow as I will be introducing you to a mom who is answering that nudge and is only days away from leaving for Africa to do missions work. You won’t want to miss this special one on one interview. 

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