Friday, September 9, 2011

The Call of THE Wild!

This week we have been wrestling with our identity! And what I gather from the comments and emails this week is that NONE of us are alone. Isn't that comforting? THOSE feelings of confusion are a common thread that binds us. The good news comes in knowing that God is not a God of confusion rather a God of order and with Him we can make sense of the twists and turns life brings our way.  
With that said I want to introduce you to one of my dearest friends. We have been in ministry together for seven years and she has an inspiring story to tell. Stick around till the end and see how you can be a personal part of her soon to be adventure!

Wiens Family. Photo by Ginger Ciminello.
Erin, please tell the Cravings Mamas of the world a bit about yourself.
Hi!  My name is Erin and I am so thrilled to have this opportunity to share my heart and story with all of you!  I grew up just outside of Denver, Colorado where I met my husband, Jon.  We began our family immediately (love the way God works!) and made a huge decision to move our family to the HOT Arizona desert when our oldest child was just one year old.  I have three amazing children that have taught me life and love in a new way.  Jake is 10 and takes after me in EVERY way (he gets super excited about checklists and organizational tools).  Madison is 8 and is our sweet, free-spirited child and our youngest is Lexi – she is turning 4 in October and brings our family energy, excitement, laughter, and joy.    

You are leaving for Mozambique, Africa in 10 days. Why?
My husband, Jon, and I first felt the call into the mission field eight years ago.  Jon grew up as a P.K. (Pastor’s Kid) and comes from a long family life of ministry and missions.  I was raised in a very conservative Christian home, but never had felt a call into ministry until that time.  We were listening to missionaries speak at one of our Sunday church services and both walked away with tears in our eyes saying, “that’s what God has called us to do.”  We began praying that God would use us however that looked.  I started working in full time ministry about a year later and have taken in every moment like a sponge, learning and growing.  Last January, I committed to meditating on Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God”.  I began praying for God to show us His direction for our lives and for Him to confirm that call into missions we experienced so many years ago.  God began orchestrating many details that would ultimately lead to our first opportunity to GO.  We are so excited to be heading into Mozambique, Africa to work with a village for eight days.  We will be building two latrines and working with villagers, teaching them basic skills, all to show them God’s love.  We will have a huge focus on building relationships and we are eager to allow God to work in and through us.  I have a feeling we will walk away more changed by this experience than any single time in our lives.
Do you have any concerns with leaving your three children while you travel across the country?  
I can honestly say that I have no fear of the unknown or fear of the risk associated.  I have so much confidence and confirmation knowing that this is what God has called us to do, that I am not fearful.  I do, however, have some very mixed emotions about leaving our three children behind for two weeks.  Since first planning this trip I have been totally okay with leaving them.  Then last Monday hit.  And the idea that I would be leaving them hit me like a ton of bricks.  I have to admit, I began panicking and crying, wondering if they would be sad, miss us, or possibly injured and we wouldn’t be here to help them.  I started asking myself if I was making the right decisions.  Then, my  Aunt Cindy sent me this quote, “God will take care of the consequences of your obedience.” That put my mind to rest almost immediately.  God has them, and I can put my full trust in Him with the care of my children. 

How can you encourage a fellow mom who has a new nudge or old nudge from God itching them?
If you have ever felt a calling to live life differently than you are doing in this very moment, I strongly encourage you to listen and obey.  God will not only take care of you and your family, but He will build in you a stronger faith, confidence, and love for His people.  I encourage you to live life sacrificially and willingly, all while loving others. He will fill you with his power and strength. 
Thank you for sharing your story Erin. What I love about her story is that it is eight years in the making. Trust God's timing. 
This adventure for the family doesn’t come without a monetary price tag. I wanted to provide you an opportunity to support this incredible leap of faith.
Beginning right now ALL sales of Praying with Pictures {a journal} (ONLY $1.99) will go directly to this exciting trip. 
100% sales from 8:00 a.m., Friday, September 9th – midnight, Sunday, September 11th
Then 50% of sales from September 11th – October 1st will go toward the trip.
Please spread the word!!! And let’s help make a difference for this family. 
More details about the journal are in The Market.

Buy Now

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: