Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Worry Warrior: Hannah

Meet Hannah, our trust heroine.
Imagine the scene with me (1 Samuel). Hannah is desperate for a child but unable to have one. She is tortured by her husbands’ other wife (glad times have changed!) who has a plethora of children. Hannah goes to God with her “bitterness” begging and pleading Him for a baby. She even gets to the point that she promises God if He gives her a baby she will give it back to be a servant of God forever. BAM! After Eli (a prophet) blesses Hannah’s prayer she conceives and baby Samuel (the last judge) arrives on the scene. WOW!
First, I have to say that I just love the Old Testament! It is better than Days of our Lives, One Life to Live, All My Children and The Bachelor! It is the whole drama filled package.
Second, if I were Hannah I KNOW that right about the time of the baby’s birth I would be back peddling. If it were me my promise to God would be out the window and I would be attempting to strike another deal. There is no way that baby I had waited and endured ridicule for would be leaving my side.
Not Hannah. Hannah has come to teach all the mamas of the world a lesson.
She keeps her promise to give the baby back to the Lord. After she has weaned him she boldly and confidently places Samuel back in the hands of Eli.
WHAT???? Really? Who does that? Are you kidding me?
As far as you can tell from the scriptures Hannah was prepared. She returned her gift and was simply thankful that God met her need to be a mom. Hannah goes on to be blessed with 3 more sons and 2 daughters.
Geez! Talk about trust. Hannah is my hero.
I don’t know that I could be as selfless and trusting as Hannah yet isn’t that what I am called to each and every second of the day? Hannah remembers that this precious child she was gifted was on loan. That ultimately he belonged to his Maker.
We are each called to remember that our children have a Creator that loves them even more than we do (I know, that seems impossible but it is true).
Each second of the day as our children play, go to school, meet new people, head off in grand adventure, hurt, are sad, feel lonely we (their mamas) are asked to open our hands and watch their Inventor work His craft.
I will choose to trust the Creator.
Thank you Hannah, thank you. 
my little people on their dedication day. 

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