Tuesday, October 11, 2011

{Day 12} Rest

Experiment I Risk I Accept I Fail I Try I Be

A few weekends ago I got the blissful opportunity to spend the night in a hotel sans kids. It had the dreamiest bed ever! It was my version of what beds will be like in heaven. And I took every chance I could to enjoy it. I slept and napped and slept some more.
Just call it practice for today’s task on the road to creativity which is REST!

 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” Matthew 11:28-29

I only wish I was talking about the sleep kind of rest today. Instead I am challenging you to ask yourself:
What does your soul need a rest from?
What is it that gets in your way of coming to Jesus?
What is it that distracts you from knowing the rest He has for your soul?

A few months ago I began taking one day a week to rest from all social media, my computer, and smart phone. I chose to rest from these things because while I enjoy these things they can also suck the life out of me. I can become disheartened because I don’t see what equals success. It was a ridiculously horrible challenge at first but now I get excited for this day.
My early mornings are not filled with checking status updates or email my early mornings are filled with resting in God’s word.
My play time with my kids isn’t filled with checking blog stats it is filled with resting in the joy of my children.
Nap time isn’t filled with frantically checking every blog I follow it is filled with resting in a lazy afternoon of book reading and journaling.
Because the voices of the digital age aren’t speaking to me I am able to make room and rest in God’s voice that is constant. It is a voice that encourages, pushes, prods, and challenges me to rest in Him.

Stepping Stone #5
Rest in Christ’s Arms
Jesus says come to me, learn from me, and I will give you rest. The world of technology may not be what keeps you from finding rest in Jesus. Maybe it is food, caffeine, work, or television. I don’t know what it is for you but I can pray that you will give yourself permission to rest from it.

Break Free Activity:
Intentionally pray that God will share with you what you need to rest from so that He can remove your burdens and weariness. If you have a prayer partner process it with them. You can also emailcravings@gmail.com and I will be happy to add it to my prayer list. 

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