Friday, October 21, 2011

{Day 21} Risk

Eharmony was one of the greatest risks
I have taken.
Mr. Bailey is a gem!

I moved from Dallas to San Antonio the summer before 6th grade. I started school at a place I knew NO ONE. Yes, imagine the kid sitting by herself at lunch time...that was me. A few weeks into the school year they had 6th grade elections for someone to sit on the Student Council. I decided to run.
Why? Why would I do that? I knew no one, I had no credibility, and zero popularity. But I took the risk.
I lost.
At the end of the school year they had elections for 7th grade student council and I decided to run. Why? Why would I do that? I had lost only 7 months prior.
But I took the risk.
I won.
The next year I decided to run for Student Council President. Why? Why would I do this? I wasn’t popular, extraverted, or considered cool.
But I took the risk.
I lost.
But I took the risk.
It is a challenged modeled for us.
They took risks. I am not saying it was easy or without fear.
How many times in a day does fear get in the way of risk?  
Fear is going to get in the way so the question is what do you battle it with?
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!
Isaiah 6:8
Stepping Stone # 9
Task a risk despite the fear
The Nike motto are the best words for this “Just Do It!”
Yes, I realize it is easier said than done.
Yes, I realize I don’t know the risk you long to take.
Yes, I realize I don’t know the fears you battle.  
Yes, I realize it could be a loss instead of a win.
Yes, I realize taking risk it one of the greatest challenges you face.
But I know that taking that risk will lead you to a closer more intimate place in your relationship in Christ. You will hold on tighter, talk more, cling in the midst of fear, rejoice in the midst of success, cry in the midst of confusion, ask for comfort in the midst of sadness, and seek advice constantly.
Don’t you want that relationship? I do!
Just do it! Take the risk.

Break free Activity: Name your fears that get in the way of risk. Write them on toilet paper and then flush them down the toilet. Write them on a note card and burn them. Write them on an orange, cut it up and put it down the disposal. Whatever it is name them, recognize them, pray over them and then do battle with them. Destory them. 

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