Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{Day 5} Let Go.

A family member recently asked me if I feel accomplished. I had to sit there and think before I answered her. Despite the fact that I have a life long dream coming true this week my immediate answer was not “yes!”
Why is that? Why can’t I break free from the busyness of life, motherhood, blogging, housekeeping, working, and just celebrate that thanks to God I have achieved something on my dream list since I was a little girl?
The answer is because I can’t let go.
I can’t let go of the list of things I haven’t achieved, the list of things I still want, and the list of disappointments I have created in my head.
Why can’t I let go of my own expectations or let go of expectations from others and just live in God’s expectations for me?
Letting go is tough. One of the toughest battles to fight.
As a child I was always encouraged to be creative. My grandmother was an art teacher and my mom was a classroom teacher with highly artistic skills. NEVER was I made to feel like less than an artist than them but for some reason I couldn’t help it. I never felt as if I measured up to their abilities. Once I discovered my own set of skills unique to me I felt free of the playing the comparison game.
I have friends that are beyond ridiculously creative:
There are days I think “if only…” I had their skills.
And then I make myself STOP, believe in who God created me to be, and LET GO.
When Jesus called the disciples He called them from all different walks of life because He knew that each one of them would bring something unique to the table.
The same is true for us.
If our creativity matched up it would be a boring, boring world.
Your creativity is unique to you and mine is unique to me.

Stepping Stone #2
Let Go of what blocks your creativity.
Sometimes we have to let go of being discouraged as a child, let go of being pushed into a career path as an adult, let go of feeling like there is no time to express our creativity, or let go of feeling as if others are better than us. How to do that is the hard part. I don't have a magic pill for that. You will have to discover what works for you. But working on it is the key. Prayer can do wonders but I also believe that sometimes we simply have to express out loud or in writing where the “block” comes from. I have found expressing things out loud usually disarms it from controlling you.

Breakfree Activity:
Grab your journal and a pen and without giving it much thought write out the reasons you feel blocked from creativity. Do you have a friend or accountability partner you can call and get feedback from on your thoughts? If not email me. I will listen and respond. 
Check out the entire series here. 

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