Sunday, October 30, 2011

Relevant Reflections

Breath. Just Breath.
God, I can’t. I am so terrified.
You can. I have your hand in my hand.
Squeeze tight.
I am squeezing as tight as possible.
I am trying.
I am smiling.
I am laughing.
I am listening.
And? How does it feel?  
It feels half fake and half real.
I am missing my friends that know me...
without an explanation.
I am missing the familiar.
None of that is bad, is it?
What else?
I am being reminded.
Reminded of my purpose.
My love.
Your vision.
Reminded of the “why?”
Which is?
You! You are the why.
Sharing You. Describing You. Learning from you. Experiencing you. Laughing with you.
What’s the problem?
Me. Humaness. Envy. Selfishness.Desires.
What should you do with them? How do you barricaded them out?
I don’t know.
Well, I know. I just don’t know if I can.
Come on, sure you can. The question is do you want to?
Of course I want to!
Then how?
Ummmm…with You.
Keeping You first.
Staying grounded in Your thoughts.
Being real with You.
Making sure my prayer life and accountability are unshakeable.
Very good. So let’s hit the re-set button!
P.S. – I will be telling you all this again in a few months.
I am grateful.
Will you please come to me?
Let me remind you that I love you!
You are unique!
I have a plan for you!
You are MY child. I delight in you! I cherish watching you play!
Won’t you please just play in the sandbox I have crafted for you?
Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord.
I will play and I will delight in you with joy!

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