Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Book Review: Truth in the Tinsel

Amanda White from, Impress Your Kids, has outdone herself with her first e-book titled Truth in the Tinsel. I was honored to get a sneak peek at this nugget of goodness and I am over the moon with excitement to share this resource with families.
It will give your family a hands-on experience for the Advent season and will help little minds in your house process the coming of Christ in new ways.

For starters, the book is visually appealing and the font choices make my heart happy. It begins by outlining its meaningful purpose, “Have a daily focus and meditation on God’s greatest gift.” The intention is clear, Help the little hands in your house learn the story of Christ’s coming. You can’t help but get excited about both of these ideas.

Secondly, I appreciate the layout of the book. The main concept is making an ornament each day with your child during the Advent season. Amanda provides detailed supply lists for the ornament projects. That is very helpful for this mommy!!!! Amanda also reminds you throughout the book that this is what has  worked for her family. You may need to tweak it to work for your kids and your schedule. I am thankful that nothing is required or demanded…only encouraged. The daily craft projects will walk your family through the telling of the Christmas story in a way that little minds can understand. She gives suggested scripture readings and ways to encourage great conversations with your children as you make your simple and realistic ornaments that represent various parts of the story.

Thirdly, I am a crafty kind of gal and I was impressed with how easy yet creative Amanda was with her crafts. My favorite being the “I Spy Mary and Joseph” ornament on Day 12. I am an outside-of-the home working mama which means doing a craft daily for us will be unrealistic. Amanda gives you an “alternative ideas schedule” for those where doing a craft daily isn’t achievable. My plan is to go through the list of ornaments and mark the ones we are doing and pre bag all the supplies needed in a large Zip-Lock bag. I am going to date the bag and enclose Amanda’s directions sheet inside so we are ready to rock-n-roll when that day comes. We will read the scriptures she suggests daily and encourage discussions that will help my kiddos anticipate the coming of Christ. This talk time can easily happen around the dinner table or prior to bed time.

I truly recommend getting your hands on this resource TODAY! It is only $2.99 for Black Friday and will regularly be $4.99. You can buy and download it at or simply click the cute little Truth in the Tinsel logo to your right. 
Be sure to connect with all the excitement around the release via the  Truth in the Tinsel facebook page.
You can also get plenty of Amanda’s other great ideas at Impress Your Kids.

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