Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cupcake Tasting Soiree

What better way to celebrate one of your “babies” than throwing a PARTY!


Since I have the cutest logo featuring a vintage cupcake 
I thought a cupcake tasting soirée was in order.  
Kori from Paper and Pigtails did me the honor of creating all the paper goods. 
She was a gem to work with. 
Here are party photos.
{the dessert table. custom burlap table cover is from Sweet Tea & Linen...she is THE best}
{chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting}
{vanilla cupcake with oreo frosting}
{the scale was “junk” I found in my mother in-laws garage}
{vanilla cupcake with lemon frosting & chocolate cupcake with caramel frosting}
{for the back drop I use a piece of 4x4 plywood that I cover}
{using scrapbook paper I made a large replica of the logo, the frame was rescued from a trash bin and spray painted white, the cranberry backing is a $5.00 single sheet from Target}
{cucumber water was served in mason jars adorned with fabric}
{the hit of the evening was hot apple cider served with fresh cinnamon sticks}
{front door yarn wreath. c is for Cravings.}
{wreath making in progress}
{a simple reminder to believe in your dreams}
I am incredibly thankful to everyone who helped me dream this little dream!
Almost forgot...we had some girl fun at the photo booth!

* Linking up with: Tatertots & Jello 

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: