Sunday, November 13, 2011

Standing Still...Even for a Moment.

Have you ever had one of those moments when time seems to stand still?  
You look around at your surroundings and everything and everyone seems to be moving in slow motion.  This happened to me recently as I was driving my daughter home from dance class.  She was talking to me and when I turned to look at her, she looked different. She looked older then her five year old self.  This time it was a look in her eye that paused time, sometimes it is a smell, or even a sound.  When I experience these moments, they take my breath away.  My toes start to tingle, and gradually I can feel the inside of my body come alive.  I become completely overcome with joy.  Then I hear it.  There is a voice that says, “Right now in this moment, there is nothing else that matters. “  It is pure contentedness.  So I take notice, breathe in the experience and praise Jesus for this pause in my life because I know that it will be gone fast.  Unfortunately, these are fleeting moments that pass with the grocery list, the dinner prep, and all of the homework that needs to be done.
I like to think that these experiences are little glimpses into Heaven.  It is God’s way of saying, “You think this is good, just wait and see what I have prepared for you.”   It is also God’s gentle reminder to slow down and take notice before life passes you by. He draws me closer to Him with these glimpses and reminds me that “Right now in this moment, there is nothing else that matters.”
Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10
The words “Be Still” are key.  As we approach this busy season let us be reminded to be still and give thanks for all that we have.  It is so easy to get carried away with all of our “have- to’s”.  Now, do not get me wrong here, I love all of the “have-to’s”.   The thought of not having any hustle and bustle makes me sad. I think the “have-to’s” are fun, but if I do not take a moment to “Be Still” and be thankful for all of my “have- to’s” then they become a burden.  That is when life starts to pass me by. 
 That is about the time that it happens.   I am reminded by a look in my children’s eyes, a smell in the air, or a song playing on the radio, and a voice says, “Right now in this moment, there is nothing else that matters.”  Then I breathe and start all over again, longing for the next glimpse of Heaven.
Enjoying the Still,  Kelly

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