Sunday, December 11, 2011

Be a Freesetter today! ***Giveaway***

I have a couple of treats for YOU today {make sure you read the WHOLE post}. I am honored to be participating in the 12 Days of Freedom with Freeset blog tour. I can't wait to introduce to this incredible ministry. I am thankful Kristi asked me to participate. I met Kristi at The Relevant Conference and she was truly one of the most genuine people I met. She just radiates with passion for this ministry. I hope you will too! So without further adieu I want you to meet:
When Isha was introduced to Freeset she was concerned about her son’s future, “I worried about whether I could manage to work and earn enough for my son so he could grow up to be a man.”

Isha’s concern soon gave way to a new realization, “Slowly I came to understand that if I worked well, then I could manage my finances too. I could save some money to buy milk for my son so my Mum could look after him while I was training. I realized I needed to stay and work at Freeset so my son would be cared for and would grow up well.”

As for many of the women at Freeset, Isha’s training to sew was full of apprehension. She remembers, “At first I was very frightened, I couldn’t make good bags. I was given extra time to learn and someone sat with me for days helping me - now I can make good bags. I have learned to sew all the different parts of the bags.”

But now her confidence has grown, “I like work, it’s good.  I was very frightened, but now I have no fear and no worries. I can sew well now, my wage is better too and my son has good food and is growing up well. He’s learning to read and write well.”

 **** Don't stop now! Keep Reading!!!!****
It’s she amazing!!!?
Here is the scoop:
Freeset is located in Calcutta, India, helping to free women from human trafficking by providing them employment with dignity through sewing bags. Every woman is provided medical insurance, retirement, daycare for their children, classes to learn how to read and write, and three times the wage they would receive "in line." Join us every day December 1-12 in Freeset's Freedom Tour of 12 Days of Freedom with Freeset and become a part of the freedom story. Watch our video, shop our bags, change lives.
****Keep Going! More cool Info below!*****
Hop on over and grab this cute bag, the freedom paisley bag
It makes the perfect bag to wrap your gifts in. 
The more bags that sell the more woman are set free from human trafficking
Freedom Paisley Bag
Here's the deal! I love this organization and this cause. I would ask you to share this post! 
As a thank you for sharing 
I will enter your name in a drawing to 
win a set of Cravings {The Devotional}. 
They are in my possession and I will ship it to you asap at the end of the week! All you have to do is share this post via facebook, twitter, or email with your friends. Leave a comment that you shared on this blog post and you are entered. BAM! You can do this EVERYDAY! (Monday, December 12-Friday, December 17th). That is five chances to share an incredible cause and win!!! 

Please share this life changing cause with your friends!


  1. Just shared this on FB! Such a great cause.

  2. Wonderful cause. Thanks for sharing.


Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: