Sunday, December 18, 2011

Requesting prayers for my daddy.

I need to ask you a favor. Can you pray with me today and into the coming days for my Daddy, Tom? At 1:00 p.m. (Central time) he will undergo surgery for prostate cancer. Thankfully it has been detected in the very early stages and we are extremely optimistic that he will walk through this with ease. He has already fought colon cancer 10 years ago so we understand the pains that can be ahead. My specific prayer requests are:
1. That the doctors have wisdom during the operation.
2. That the recovery from the operation be void of as much pain possible.
3. That the cancer is isolated in the prostate and be completely gone from his body once it is removed.
4. That side effects from the surgery be kept to a minimum.
5. That my parents have peace and patience together during the recovery phase.
6.That cancer never makes another appearance in his body.

Thank you for your prayers. As always let me know if there is anything you need prayer for. I love praying for you.  

And for a bit of a drum roll...... The winner of Cravings {The Devotional}, for sharing the word about Freeset, is Diane Campbell! Woo hoo! Thank you for your help spreading the word everyone!!!! 

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