Sunday, January 15, 2012

Don't get stuck in the mud.

I am in the midst of kicking some things into high gear with Cravings. With the help of talented friends I am moving them to the “next level”, if you will. That process can be exhilarating and at times daunting. At moments I feel as if I am trudging through mud wondering if I can make it one more inch. This video below served as a bit of inspiration.

Now please, please, please know before you watch it that I know in the deep depths of my heart that God is the source of any strength I have. That it is only with God that things are possible. And that God has every step of my journey in the palm of His hands. I am not trying to communicate anything different than that. I only give all those disclaimers since the source of this video got some flack for showing it.

Without any more rational, check this out.

Do you have something, anything, a dream that is unfinished? Why?
I ask again. Why?
The Market

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