Thursday, January 19, 2012


It has been awhile since i joined up with 5 Minute Friday but I felt the need to just write. Not work, just write. It was a joy! If you want to participate head here. 

Vivid dreams. They are the reason why I write. They started when I was little. I can still remember them with clarity. The details that came in the night through my sleep. My mom didn’t know what to do with them so at the age of 5 she handed me my first journal and said write them down. I did. And now I write.
I now know those vivid dreams filled with details, filled with wonder, filled with mystery are God. It is the way He gets me, gets my attention.
It is the only time I am quite enough for Him. It is the time I can listen.
There are times their vividness wakes me and then there are mornings where I wants to crawl back into the dream and remember more. “What were you saying God?” I am starting to forget as my lids come open.
Vivid. I am thankful for how He speaks. Thankful for the vivid pictures He paints in my night sky. 

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: