Sunday, February 19, 2012

Two Questions.

The season of Lent begins in two days. My mama, our resident theologian, will be here to share more in-depth about the meaning of this Christian season. But before we reach Ash Wednesday I wanted to encourage you to think about two things.

1. What is one thing you can give up or sacrifice for the next 40 days in order to make room in your life to reflect on the sacrifice God made for you?

2. What is one thing you can take on over the next 40 days to help you reflect on all that Christ took on for you?

Words can’t express to you how powerful this season has been in my life over the years. I have had hurts healed, conversations that seemed impossible for me to have took place, and there were breakthroughs in places I was stuck. 

I really look forward to exploring this season with you on Cravings. I encourage you to pray about your response to the above questions and commit to doing life differently over the next several weeks. I know, know, know there is power in the sacrifices. 

If there is a way I can be praying for you over the next 48 hours please let me know. I would love to walk with you on this journey. 

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