Monday, February 27, 2012

Who's the Savior? It gets confusing.

“But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” Luke 3:16 b

John sets the example for us when it comes to understanding authority. The crowds were lavishing him with praise. They were wondering if he could be the messiah they were longing for. He could have let it go to his head but without even a blink of an eye he sets the people straight. He let them know he was not Christ but that Christ was coming. John did not try to fill a role that was not his to fill. He knew to respect the power that was coming in Christ Jesus.

I have a deep desire for my children to understand authority and have respect for others. Respect for their teachers, grandparents, friends, leaders, and more. I pray they see me modeling this. I also want them to respect Christ as their Savior. But how often as a parent do I try to take that place in their life? How often do I try to be the one with all the answers, the one prepared to fix it, the one planning their future? True, I have a certain role as their parent to speak into their lives but there is a balance in filling the role of parent and trying to be their Savior.

Our children will see Christ as their authority when we as mommies, minute by minute, place our children in His hands…trusting and knowing He came for them too. 

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