Thursday, February 9, 2012

You give. I take.

You give. I take.
I don’t trust.///
I worry. I fear. I doubt. I think it/ is/ impossible.///
You give. I take.
You trust me. You offer your help to me.
Instead I try to do it all on my own./ By my power./ With my knowledge./
You give. I take.
Why do You keep giving?// When all I do is keep taking.///
It is ridiculous, really!
I know Your way is better than my way./ I know You have this all figured out and You simply need me to be obedient. You simply need me to trust.//
Come on Carey, TRUST!
Trust He gave the vision and He will make it so. He will make it so.
You give. I take.
I take Your way and I place my trust in You. I place my trust in You.///

*5 minutes of unedited writing. It makes the creativity in me flow... Thank you Gypsy Mama. 

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