Monday, April 23, 2012

A Surprise Leaping!

At 11:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008 I celebrated becoming a mama and beginning this journey of motherhood. If you are an internet world friend I would beyond encourage you to read about the surprise birth of my little man recorded by Ginger Ciminello, who is an amazing storyteller.

This is the verse we dedicated to his little life. As I read it today it still fits us and our story.  

It was in the moment of receiving a crying bundle of flesh in my arms that I got it. I fully understood His love for me. I understood that it is unending, undeserved, & incomprehensible for the recipient.

Oh, how I praise Him for the leap in my heart that day and for the all the days going forward.

I hope you are always able to take some time out and celebrate you the day you became a mama!

I would love to hear the verse(s) you have for your children. 

Be sure to get yourself entered into the Minute-for-Mom gift pack. 
Erin Condren, Victoria Secret, Bath & Body Works, and much more is up for grabs. 

Download your Mama Helpers for the week of April 23rd

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: