Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mama Helpers for May 21-27th

The thank you notes are complete! It feels so great to have taken them off my never ending to-do list. Were you able to knock something off your list that has been weighing on you?

Your Mama Helpers for the week are up and ready to go. You can print them, share them, or make them your screen saver. Please use them however you need. My hope is that they allow you to experience God in new ways each day. I am praying for you!

I am so excited to have won a new blog site. It is such a blessing and I will be switching over to Wordpress. I am going to feel like a big girl! Be looking for a whole new look in the coming weeks. If there are thing that would be helpful to you around this space and place let me know. If there are thing you would like me to re-think let me know that too. My goals stays the same: Helping you make God time easier. Not less meaningful, just easier! 

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: