Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Playin that FUNKy music.

It is a word I prefer to use when talking about music, clothing, or when referring to a decorating style.
But instead it is an adjective that describes me right now. Funk. I am in a funk.
It is a pretty rare emotion for me.
I have my reasons. They are not anything valid or worthy. Ever had that happen to you?
I have been watching people around me experience the opposite emotion of a funk and experience the emotion of excitement. And I want to be there. I really do. But, I am not.
My brain knows they are just emotions. My brain knows that God has something in these days for me. But that does not allow me shake my funk….blah, blah, blah!
I am finding smiles in the little things… a love note from my husband, a surprise treat from a co-worker, the opportunity to share my passion, the ability to buy my daughter her first ballet shoes, and Bible reading time with my kids.
God meets me in those places. And tonight our family Bible time was a blessing. We typically read a character driven story but on this night I opened the children's Bible to something too sweet to pass by. We read this:
Psalm 23 (MSG)
God, my shepherd! I don't need a thing. 
   You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
      you find me quiet pools to drink from.
   True to your word,
      you let me catch my breath 
      and send me in the right direction.
Even when the way goes through
      Death Valley,
   I'm not afraid
      when you walk at my side.
   Your trusty shepherd's crook
      makes me feel secure.
You serve me a six-course dinner
      right in front of my enemies.
  You revive my drooping head;
      my cup brims with blessing.
Your beauty and love chase after me 
      every day of my life. 
   I'm back home in the house of God 
      for the rest of my life.
Sometimes you just need the comfort of a familiar scripture to refill your cup. I needed it.
I needed it. I am praying one of you needs it too.
If you find yourself in a funky funk place right now I would love to keep you in my prayers. You can emailcravings@gmail.com

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