Monday, July 30, 2012

August Memory Verse Printable

It is only morning and I have already been tempted by this sweet deal, this amazing sale, this book that would make a great addition to my reading list and I know that is just the beginning of the battle between wants and needs for the day.

A year and a half ago God directed my husband and I to begin a journey towards being debt free. We know it was God because we loved spending our spare money. Once I became limited to having only $30.00, in an envelope, a month for spending money that could go towards clothes, an Etsy purchase, a groop dealz steal, a book, etc I realized how frivolous I had become.

It hasn’t been easy. Every day, EVERY DAY, something comes across my computer screen that I want or try to convince myself I need because it is such a good deal. But, I am learning. Learning I have everything I need already. The pair of shoes that talks to me aren’t going to fix my stress level, the brand name purses I want to own aren’t going to make me the ultimate blogger, and all the clothes I long to wear from Anthropology aren’t going to make the girls at Allume like me more.

God, my shepherd, my caretaker fills my needs. He feeds me, shelters me, comforts me when I am wounded, and redirects my steps when they are headed in the wrong direction. God provides everything I need.

My family is on a new journey right now (more to come next week). It is an unexpected journey that will push us to a place of being knee deep in relying on God for all our needs. This month’s memory verse will keep me grounded as we walk a road that is going to feel rocky, uneasy, and like we are about to walk off a cliff. But I am thankful to know there is a shepherd walking beside us, guiding us, and pulling us out of harms way. I hope you will join me in committing this passage of scripture to memory this month. 

Below is an easy way to help you memorize. Print out the below sheet, cut out the verses, place them around your house and watch God's word sink in. 

Right click and save to your desktop. Print and cut.
Download the August Memory Verse

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