Monday, June 18, 2012

Calm vs. Chaos

*originally posted 4/27/2011

“Peace” – according to Mr. Webster it is a state of tranquility or quiet; freedom from disturbance or disquieting thoughts; harmony. 
Aaahh, yes.  I remember well the days when I would wake early in the morning - because I wanted to!  The glorious quiet that would surround me as I sat in my favorite chair, coffee in hand, Bible on lap.  Peace. 
            And then...I had children!  Tranquility has been replaced with bustle, quiet with noise.  Disturbances are now constant and harmony is fleeting.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Really!  Now, I admit that I would like to have a bit more time to myself – more time for quiet Bible reading and uninterrupted prayer time.  But God knows the season of life that I am in.  He knows when my baby boy wakes me up at 5:00 am and the laundry has piled up and I feel like I'm being pulled in a million directions throughout the day.  He is a God of mercy and grace – He never asks me to do more than He is able to accomplish through me!
            I also know that His strength is made perfect in my weakness.  So the challenges I face as a mom of young children is not an excuse to take time off from a relationship with Him.  Rather, it is an opportunity to invite Him into my life to do through me what I cannot do in my own power.  There was a particular time when I was involved in a ministry that was making new demands on my time.  I had two young children and I was so afraid that I was not giving them the time and attention they needed.  But I knew God had called me to serve Him in this particular way at this time.  One morning when I was really struggling with all these thoughts He led me to this verse - 
“He tends his flock like a shepherd:  He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young” Isaiah 40:11. 
I knew God was telling me that He was leading me and he would protect my children – He would honor my obedience.  Aaahh – peace!!
            My definition of peace is actually a bit different from Mr. Webster's.  I would define peace as an inner calmness in the midst of chaos or freedom from anxiety.  And there is no denying that I have more peace when I am in God's Word and when I am in communication with Him.  Isaiah 26:3 says “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”  Peace comes through the Holy Spirit.  When we believe and confess Jesus as our Savior we are baptized with the Holy Spirit – meaning the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and we can never lose that!  But to be filled with the Holy Spirit is different – it a choice we make on a daily basis to invite Him into our lives.
            When I make time to pray and invite the Holy Spirit to fill me, direct me, empower me and lead me through the day – I have more peace!  It's true!  Sometimes I am able to sit in that comfy chair and it is an uninterrupted, unhurried conversation.  Other times, it is a desperate plea as I sit in the morning carpool line.  But He is faithful.  He knows my heart – the good, the bad and the ugly.  And He always hears me when I call.  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7
Wishing you peace, 
Amy Darragh

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