Monday, June 18, 2012

IMMEDIATE prayers needed!

Your child is sick.  He has pains in his stomach.  He has a loss of appetite and is tired all the time.  His health is poor.  You, a loving and caring mother, call the Doctor immediately.  You call out from your job, you forget the housework, and you rush him to the earliest appointment – most likely that same day.  Chances are that the Doctor can quickly treat your child with antibiotics, a meal plan, or perhaps even hospitalization.  In most cases, your child is treatable and will once again become a strong, well, active child. 

You last heard me tell the story of  Laura and her sponsor child, Texheira, through Food for the Hungry.  Texheira lives in the bush – in the middle of Gorongosa, Mozambique, Africa.  You saw pictures of this young boy, happy and vibrant – smiley and active.  Texheira is now sick.  He is a victim of the nature around him.  The lack of Doctors and medicine and the extreme poverty levels thickened with disease and sickness are just too much for his little body.  Laura just received word today, through FH, that he is experiencing stomach pains and that his health is poor.  Laura and I are mourning this devastating news.
Will you stop whatever you are doing in this moment and join us in prayer for Texheira?  We commit this young child of God to prayer and trust that His almighty healing will overcome this sickness. 

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.  A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” Psalm 34:17-19

Thank you friends, for caring for the sick and the hurting.  Thank you, Jesus, for healing Texheira.

“You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry.” Psalm 10:17

Erin Wiens

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