Thursday, April 14, 2011

Humility vs Jealousy

On Thursdays we will be joining “5 Minute Friday”.
Yes, I know today is Thursday...the day BEFORE Friday. Let me explain. 5 Minute Friday is a blog “party” hosted by Gypsy Mama. I love her site. Check it out! On Fridays, she encourages you to simply write for 5 minutes. Don’t over think it, over process it, or let fear get in your way… simply write! I am a huge fan of this concept and want to encourage you to participate. So I will post mine on Thursdays in hopes it will spur you to write. Even if you don’t want to share I can’t urge you enough to take FIVE minutes and write freely. Keep a blank book by your bed and when you wake up simply “throw up” your morning thoughts on those pages. It helps, I promise; it helps!
Stopwatch starts NOW…
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition of vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3
Really, is this possible? I may not intentionally do things out of selfishness or vanity but it just happens. I am human. I want to consider others better than me but there are times…lots of times, if I am being real, that I think I can do something better than someone else or my idea or plan is better than another person. My shortcoming even goes so far as to gossip about it with friends. I think the one that creeps in the most for me is jealousy. Jealous of the attention someone gets, or the opportunities afforded to them and I wonder why not me? I can’t trust in God’s plan for me but instead want to create my own or think my ways are better than His ways.
5:00 minutes up! It goes fast.
P.S. – You may have noticed I have used scripture from Philippians all week. As much as I can I will stay focused on one book of the Bible during a month. It helps me draw out all the nuggets that are jam packed in each book of the Bible. 
Question of the Day: What can you do to make this verse reality in your life?
P.S. - Don't forget the giveaway going on! 4 chances to WIN a clean house. 

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