Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Body Talk Part V: Control

Thank you for being willing to share your stories with me a few weeks ago. There were two words that showed up consistently in your own Body Talk stories.
Stress and Control.
Control and Stress.
I am almost at a lack for words because I relate so well. Everyone who works with me on a daily basis knows I am a stress eater. The tension rises just slightly or the to-do list elongates and my #1 go to resource is FOOD! My instinct is not prayer, talking it out, or taking a walk around the office. My instinct is simply “let’s eat!”
Prime example. I woke up to a sick child on my day off. Off to the doctor we go. I quickly packed up kids, snacks, toys, entertainment, threw my hair in a pony tail, and crossed my fingers I brushed my teeth. After a half hour drive to the office we then wait.  I try to stop the kids from touching everything in the “sick kids” waiting room since I don’t want to make this worse than it already is. We proceed to wait some more in the examination room where I spend more time wrestling with two kiddos who don’t want to be there and have already downed the juice and gold fish I brought. We get confirmation that my 3 year old has strep. Now I pack up both whining kiddos and head back to the car. I am at the brink of frustration and everything feels out of control. Now where do I head? Not straight to the pharmacy. No, I head to Sonic to get everyone “treats” at 10:30 in the morning. Really, Carey? Bad choice!
Why do I allow food to be my comforter? This quote sums up the problem at hand.
“Is it possible we rely on food more than we rely on God” Lysa Terkeurst,  Made to Crave
For me the answer is sadly “yes.”
Food creates instant gratification. Food creates comradery. Food is a distraction. Food solves so many issues with a quick fix. That word quick serves as a key word for me.
While eating is not some big bad sin picking food as my source of strength is.
I don’t know about you but I am not okay with that. I am not okay with it for myself or for how it sets an example to my children. 
How will I change this? Here is what I know works for me.
1. Admission and prayer. I need to admit to God what I am doing and then ask God for help each morning and possible every 10-15 minutes after that.
2. Plan ahead. Do I have a realistic food plan going into the day?
3. Know MY place. I am not and never will be in control! I need to stop trying.
“God has put all things under the power of Christ, and for the good of the church he has made him the head of everything” Ephesians 1:22 (CEV)
As a Christian we are His body/church here on earth. And He is the head. He is in charge.
As much as I like being the boss or having charge over something it is time to let go.  It is time.

 *We have come to a close on our look at the book of Ephesians. We will start with Colossians on Thursday. 
You can read the entire Body Talk series here
friday favorite things | finding joy

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