Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An Example of Gentleness.

Lucy & Johnny

Each Sunday she enters the church, carefully attentive to her mother, guiding her to their customary seats on the fourth row.  Seated between husband and mother, she tenderly looks at each one, eyes shining with the love borne from years of sharing life.

This same precious soul makes the needed phone calls before a funeral asking for casseroles, breads, and salads to serve grieving families.  More than once I have been the recipient of a beautiful, handwritten note expressing her appreciation for me and her ongoing prayers for my ministry.

When I read Peter’s words of description in 1 Peter 3, sweet Lucy always comes to mind.

"Do not let your adorning be external – the braiding of hair, the wearing of gold, or the putting on of clothing – but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is God’s sight very precious."  {v. 3-4 ESV}

Lucy’s example of a gentle and quiet spirit is not rooted in what she does as much as it is in how she lives.  Her contagious smiles, generous hugs, and kind words are merely a reflection of the deep love she has for Christ.   Lucy suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and uses a walker to get around.   There are many days when the pain she feels is unbearable … and yet, her demeanor is never one of complaining or disappointment in the way her retirement years have turned out.

Instead, Lucy is quick with praise for the strength God has given her, gratitude for the family around her, and kindness for those who are placed in her path each day.   Lucy’s life reveals three qualities I believe are the keys to true gentleness:

  1. Selflessness - Lucy never draws attention to herself.   She continually points to others who are serving and ministering and those who are in need of help.  The words of Paul to the Philippians are lived out by Lucy, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” {2:4 ESV}.
  2. Servant-Heartedness - While there are many things Lucy is unable to do, she is always willing to do what she can.   For example, she can’t be there to serve at every funeral dinner but she can make phone calls asking for help with food – and so that’s what she does.    Her life is an example of “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” {Philippians 4:13 ESV}.
  3. Surpassing - In the passage from 1 Peter, the Greek for “very precious” actually means “of surpassing worth.”  In other words, the value of a gentle and quiet spirit goes beyond anything we can understand and lasts longer than we can comprehend.  The tenderness and kindness of Lucy’s life will last beyond her own lifetime through those she has touched.
Perhaps you are like me … not so good at this “gentleness thing.”   Remember this:  It is not in our own strength and desire that the fruit of the Spirit are wrought in our lives; rather, the fruit is the result of God’s ongoing work inside us.  Our job isn’t to produce the fruit, it is to be pruned and sculpted by God so that it is Him seen and not us.

How will you allow the Lord to prune you toward gentleness?
Terri Lynee
authors websites: Blog/Twitter/Facebook/Book

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