Thursday, June 2, 2011


9:27 p.m.
“If someone does wrong to you forgive him. Forgive each other because the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13
F  O R G I V E
I heard it as a child.
I believed in it.
I understood it.
I did not live it.
The littlest of things was unforgiveable. I held grudges.
As I got older things got bigger and my inability to forgive grew wider.
It bound me tight. 
It was almost too hard to breath.
Then I learned. Doors were opened, books were read, and experiences changed me.
Motherhood changed me.
My job is to now mirror Him.
Two little precious lives depend on me to set the example.
I forgive. I forgive freely and easily.
I forgive constantly.
I am awakened to understanding that there is no choice.
I forgive because I am forgiven.
How can I not offer what I am receiving?
9:32 p.m.

* A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado was a “game changer” book for me in the area of forgiveness.
**PS – Please know that I can relate to the fact that there are times in our lives that we need to offer forgiveness so that our hearts can be set free but that does not always mean we forget the wrongs that have been done.  

Take five minutes and write with wild abandon. No worrying, no editing yourself, no wondering if you could have done it better. Just simply write. Link up with Gypsy Mama

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