Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let's talk trash.

9:27 p.m.
 Stop all your dirty talk. Say the right thing at the right time and help others by what you say Ephesians 29:4 (CEV)
I am not someone who uses foul language. Sure, every now and again when I am singing along to a Pink song something slips out and I feel tremendous guilt.  I don’t find myself struggling with “dirty talk” in that context but what I do find myself grappling with is gossip. Blah! Gossip, yuck! I feel like the Bible should say that woman will battle labor pain and gossip. It just seems to be something natural for us.
Annoying as h-e-double hockey sticks! I go into each day asking God to help me keep my mouth clean of this sin but then I am prompted by another or I simply can’t resist commenting on a behavior or choice that has bothered me about someone else.
Why? Why can’t I just be a constant encourager? Why can’t I always see the positive? Why? I know I am human but I can’t use that as an excuse to “dirty talk”.
I feel like this is an area as women and as mothers we need to bond together to help each other. Don’t set each other up, stop each other when we start, redirect each other in the midst of the sin. Chose right over wrong.
Please Lord! Please! Help me enter a new season with my words. 9:33 p.m.

*Take five minutes and write with wild abandon. No worrying, no editing yourself, no wondering if you could have done it better. Just simply write. Link up with Gypsy Mama. 

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