Thursday, May 26, 2011

So sorry.

We continue our look this week at Ephesians 4:1-3

9:57 p.m. “…but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences.” Ephesians 4:3 (MSG)

This verse is a beautiful definition of motherhood.
Pouring ourselves out. Check.
Sacrifice. Check.
Consistent. Check.
Acts of Love. Check.
Alert. Check.
Aware. Check.
Active. Check.
Patch makers. Check.
Forgiveness givers. Check.
“Sorry” sayers. Check.
Right? Hold on. Let me double check that one.
I find there are more times than not that I need to be the one saying “I am sorry” to my children. Sorry for lack of patience, sorry we forgot to pray before lunch, sorry I used the TV to distract you so I could blog. Sorry! One big fat sorry! I am not talking about a silly unnecessary guilt “sorry” I am talking about an in the moment 
“whoops, Mommy messed up let me try it all again. I am sorry.”
We can not forget that kids learn by example. Being able to see what it means to mend fences is an important example to set.
Example setter. Check.
10:03 p.m.

*Take five minutes and write with wild abandon. No worrying, no editing yourself, no wondering if you could have done it better. Just simply write. Link up with Gypsy Mama. 

friday favorite things | finding joy

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