Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exercising Faith

Faith is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see…”  Hebrews 11:1. 

Translate this definition into parenting terms, and it may go something like this…“complete trust and confidence in the unseen God for the unseen future of my child.”  (Gulp).  Anyone else struggle with the desire to orchestrate your child’s future and then ask God to bless your grand plans

We fret and plan from the time we find out a baby is on the way.  We make countless decisions for our children…breast or bottle, vaccinations, clothes, school choice, activities, and more…many times without ever acknowledging God.   I am speaking largely to myself here!  I am a planner by nature.  And while careful planning and preparation for each stage of a child’s life are necessary, beneficial, and God-honoring…hovering, over-analyzing, and controlling every aspect of their lives is faithless parenting.  If you are like me, though, many times a well-thought-out plan or “taking action” is more comfortable than patiently trusting God for results.

Our first child is on the brink of entering middle school, and fresh opportunities to trust Him with our sweet girl are plentiful!  Expanded privileges, media, clothing, and friendship are just a few of the items we are wrestling with.  If I dwell on the responsibility of making healthy choices and doing everything “right” on my own, the task of parenting her well and preparing her for the future quickly becomes overwhelming and threatening.  She ultimately belongs to Him.  Her future belongs to Him.  I see no other choice other than sticking close to Jesus through prayer, journaling, putting His Word into practice, seeking wise counsel when necessary, then loving her and parenting her the best I know how, and leaving the rest (her future) up to Him. 

Of course, as parents, we play a critical role in the shaping of our children’s character, values, and trajectory…a role that God hand-picked specifically for you and specifically for me.  While I believe this is God’s sovereignty, I stand amazed that He entrusts such a sacred job to me, as I often cry out  to Him, “I cannot do this!”  He sweetly reminds me “No, you can’t.  But I can.”  Clearly, parenting requires extraordinary faith, “complete trust and confidence in the unseen God for the unseen future of my child.”  I don’t know about you, but it brings some relief, knowing the Creator of the universe is intimately aware of and invested in the lives of my children…and mine.  He can be trusted.  It’s up to us to exercise the faith.
Amanda Brown
authors site: My Hearts Desire

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