Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Faith: our protector

Amy Darragh

 “…take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”  Ephesians 6:16

Faith – it's one of those words in our society that can have several definitions depending on the context and situation.  I'll tell you what I have learned faith IS NOT.  Faith is NOT a feeling.  There are days when I just don't feel close to God.  I don't have that special connection that comes with consistent prayer, Bible reading and listening to Him.  Does that mean my faith has failed or no longer exists?  Absolutely not!  There was a time in my life when I did not “feel” saved and figured I must have done something wrong.  I must not have prayed the salvation prayer right; maybe I had committed an unforgivable sin; or perhaps I just didn't really believe.  The first time I heard a Bible teacher say, “Faith is not a feeling,” I was so relieved.  I know now that faith comes through believing in my heart and confessing with my mouth that Jesus is Lord.  He is my Savior.  He saved me by grace through faith.
Faith IS belief in Jesus Christ put into action.  A vibrant faith is that which shows His love to others and strives to please Him because He loves me and saved me.  I simply cannot imagine how one can embark on the adventure of parenting without faith.  Every day I place my husband and children's health and safety in God's hands.  That is faith!  I think I would worry myself crazy if I could not do that.  I pray that my children will have a strong, immovable faith that will carry them throughout their lives.

The shield of faith protects me from Satan's arrows which can include fear, doubt, insecurity, loneliness, discouragement, self-pity, bitterness, anger – the list is endless!  Any one of these arrows can undermine my relationship with the Lord, my husband, my children and my friends.  Satan wants me to doubt my faith and Christ's love for me.  During my “doubting years” Satan was doing the happy dance.  He had me right where he wanted me!  No more!  The shield of faith, and the wonderful whisperings of the Holy Spirit in my heart, are my assurance that God will never leave me or forsake me and that He works all things together for my good and for the good of my precious family.

Serving Faithfully, 

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