Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can you pass the grace please?

Who is up for throwing a daily grace party? 
“I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained though the law, Christ died for nothing.” Galatians 2:21

Dear God,
May I never set aside your grace. I beg! I plead. NEVER!
I wouldn’t dare. I crave it too much. I long for it.
I can’t survive without it.
I can’t even imagine breathing air without breathing grace in constantly.
Your grace.
Your grace that saves,
that loves,
that restores,
that humbles,
that shapes,
that moves,
that changes,
& that transforms me each second of my life.
God, if grace was a drug I would happily deal it on any street corner.
Oh, for all to know your grace! There is no great addiction or greater high.
I am free, I am me, and I am full of life because of your sacrifice.
I am free to choose mercy that is new EVERYDAY.
Free to be real,
to believe in hope,
act in faith,
choose love,
speak truth,
& smile with joy.
There is no way I can say thank you enough times and there is no word that can express my gratitude for the unfailing love you give.
I love you beyond measure.

Continuing to pray our way through Galatians. 

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: