Sunday, July 8, 2012

Battling Communcation

“Pray without ceasing.”  1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV)

You close your eyes for focus.
You bow your heads for reverence.
Perhaps you hit your knees out of tradition or desperation.
This is your prayer posture.
It can be valuable BUT it is not THE key.
The key is your heart and your desire to communicate with God.
Prayer is communicating WITH God.
It can take the form of cries, praises, spoken word, song, written word, art…there is no “the end” to this list. However you communicate best is what prayer is for you.

Recently my husband took a bold step and told me that he felt as if we didn’t communicate enough about the important things. He said he was learning things about me from Cravings rather than from me. YIKES! My immediate reaction was tears and my second reaction was “what do we need to do different?”
This meant change was in order.  We needed to make a change in the way we communicate the important things. It can be really easy for us to get home from work and enter "the routine" of cooking, playing, bathing, cleaning, praying, reading and saying “night-night”. In order to make space for us to share in each of our lives more significantly we had to take something normal (praying for each other) and do it in a NEW way. 
We pulled out a blank book and for the last two weeks we have been sitting down before bed and we have been writing down our prayer requests and then praying about them out loud together. We are being intentional with how we communicate with each other. The point being that we are communicating our fears, joys, needs, and more. It has been good. The written part of it works for me and the spoken part works for my hubby. Being open to refreshing our personal prayer time together has been an eye opener for me.

How is your communication between you and God going? Do you need to make any tweaks or add anything new to make sure you are sharing those important things? Is there a type of prayer you have wanted to try but are hesitant? Why?
I would love to hear your questions or thoughts regarding prayer. What works or doesn’t work for you?

*originally posted on 8/24/2011

Use the code JULY2012 to get it for free this month. 

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