Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Will you have breakfast with me?

Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God's people Ephesians 6:18

If we were to meet up for breakfast, which is MY FAVORITE meal of the day no matter what time it is, I would have a waffle, extra crispy bacon, and hot tea added to lots of sugar. You would most likely have coffee (I don’t come across many tea drinkers) and you would probably make a healthier food choice.
We would enjoy chit chat and conversation about life, kids, and work.
It would be good.
If you were to ask me towards the end of our time if I had any prayer requests I would take a deep breath in and pause. Not because I need to think IF I have any prayer requests but because I need to decide where to start.
Will you pray that… Renn knocks off the arguing, will you pray for the meltdowns Avery has, will you pray for their brother and sister relationship, will you pray for the choices they make now and into the future, will you pray for my husbands’ job…there has been lots of stress. Will you pray for my job…I am not even sure which end is up some days, will you pray for Cravings, will you pray I am a good listener to God’s call on my life. Will you simply pray without ceasing?
My prayer requests go on and on.
There is no END to the list. I am guessing your list is the same?

I have found adding organization to my prayer requests helpful. If you could use a little pick-me-up with your prayer time may I humbly suggest getting your Picture Prayer Journal today?

I am thankful I have friends I can call or email with any request in an instant but I do fear we don’t ask the question enough.

How can I pray for you?
We can all use it so let’s ask the question as often as we ask “Do you want Starbucks?”
I mean it when I say I am happy to pray for you. Send your requests to

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