Sunday, September 25, 2011

And then the catalog came...

Me. Being a total cheese ball
seeing Cravings for the 1st time
in the catalog. 
It is ALMOST here! 
Seriously, I feel like I have been waiting decades for this catalog to arrive! I am excited to let you know that the Cravings daily devotional holder and cards is on page 18 of the most recent Dicksons catalog and being sold to stores.  
Woo hoo and a woot woot! 
I have to admit it was a pretty fun moment to see your dream in a catalog.
You have all been super sweet to ask how you get your hands on it so here is the deal:
1. Starting October 7th it will be available through Christian retail stores in your area. Maybe your church has a book store, or there is an area Christian bookstore, even a Hallmark, or gift shop can get it ordered for you. If they are not carrying it just ask them too! Here is the link to where they can find it. To find a store in your area that has Dicksons products go here.
2.  In 90 days it will be available to order online through Dicksons online store. But again that is a 90 days wait. 
3. I will be getting my personal order soon soon and there will be giveaways here and other blogs. So stay tuned and dialed in. 

Thank you from the depths of my heart for supporting
 and praying for this little dream.

This week we will finish out our Dear Issues, series with Dear Patience, and Dear Jelousy,. AND we will get a sneak peek into October and the "31 Days of Creativity" series. I am so excited for it. I have a ridiculous amount of fun planned for you! Spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to buy one for myself & other's bday presents!!!


Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: