Sunday, October 9, 2011

{Day 10} Listen

I can’t hear you!!!!!
I hear:
Thank you
I am hungry
I want
I need
I had an accident
But God, I can’t hear you.
I hear:
The dishwasher clean
The washing machine churn
The dryer buzz
The car hum
Elmo sing
The text message ding
The microwave beep
God, where is your voice?
I hear:
Speakers speak
Musician sing
Conversations happen
Noise in the lobby
Hustle and bustle
But, God I don’t know where you are?

I am in every moment of your everyday! 
I hear you. Listen for me.
Love, God

Stepping Stone #4
Listen for God in the noise.
God doesn’t go anywhere, does he? He is in ALL of it. It is simply our job to listen for how He is speaking. Can you recognize Him in the craziness? Usually He is telling us to call on His name for help. Do avoid silence so you don’t have to listen? He will meet you where you are it. He seems to tackle me in my sleep since He knows I am finally still.

Break free Activity:  I wish I could say take a day of silence but that is a totally unrealistic expectation for a mom. So instead I will encourage you to make wise choices.  When you listen to music pick music inspired by God. When you get rare alone time leave the TV off. When the kids are in bed leave the toys astray and journal all the thoughts going through your head. Use the pockets of silence in your day to listen for His nudge and whisper. 

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