Tuesday, October 18, 2011

{Day 18} Study:In Action

Monday we looked at the benefits that can come from studying others who are already in a place you want to be.
Today I am going to ask you to meet them! Google their phone number and just give them a ring. Sound fun?
Of course, I am totally kidding. And the idea of that would send me panic stricken into my bed.
But what would you say or do if you did get to meet someone you admire that runs in the creativity circle you desire?
I recently got to have lunch with a blogger I admire. It was surreal. I tried not to be too nervous and instead convinced my brain (yes, I actually talked to my brain) that I wasn’t going to get this moment back. I needed to tackle it and ask all the questions I had about their experience in the blogging world. I went into the lunch with planned questions. And in just 5 or 6 simple questions I learned a plethora of helpful information.
I was a good student.
My instant best bud I get to take
to Relevant with me Flat Jamie
In a week and some days I head to the Relevant Conference. I am a bowl of nerves! But again I have the opportunity to meet woman who are doing what I long to do. Who are achieving what I can only pray to achieve one day. I will not squander this opportunity no matter how much fear resides in my body (I really need to write that on the palm of my hand). 
So your action step today is this:
Think of the 3 people you identified yesterday that you admire and write out what questions you would ask them if you got to sit down to lunch with them TODAY.
If you are super bold compose an email to them introducing yourself with your questions and hit the send button. Really. Really, hit the send button. I am not kidding on that one. 

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: