Sunday, October 23, 2011

{Day 24} Accept

The year of the broken nose. 

I can’t believe I am about to put this story out in blog land. It helps that it is very late.
I have had a nose job. Bam! It is out there.
I broke my nose in the 8th grade and when I was 16 my parents allowed me to have a nose job. I wanted one with all my heart. I had a huge nose. The only thing disappointing about it was that the doctors wouldn’t give me Brooke Shields nose which is what I asked for. Can I just say I am so thankful that I didn’t have parents that looked at me and said “Carey, just accept who God created you to be and live with this huge nose.”
My mom is cringing right about now that I just said that. I know this all sounds awful but stick with me.
I know I am God’s child. I know I am beautiful in His eyes. I know He sees me as special and unique. I know all this. But if you say to me “Carey, you are wonderful just the way you are.” I would stick my tongue out at you.
I don’t EVER want to be stuck. Do you? I want to be ever changing, growing, moving, pushing, learning, and getting better. I want that for you! I don’t want to become totally content that I can’t see room for improvement. I do always want to be asking what’s next? God, where do you want me to go from here? Are you asking that question?

Stepping Stone # 10
Accept Molding.
I realize we don't all need to go under the knife. I was being dramatic. But I hope you can agree that we all have room for improvement. 
In my job as a Family Life Director one of my tasks is to write curriculum for kids. I have been writing curriculum for six years. I love it and I consider myself good at it and sometimes ever great. But, I can also say that every bit of video curriculum I wrote the first year I was doing the job I would destroy. It is not that I wasn’t trying my hardest or putting my best foot forward because I was. It is simply that I have learned so much that I now know how to do it better. And I expect that five years from now I will know how to do it even better. Making sense? Whatever it is that you are working on or towards don’t stop being shaped.

Break free activity: Do something/anything that will cause you growth in the area of creativity you are working on. Maybe it means signing up for a class, a conference, reading blogs, a how-to book, or ask for feedback from an outside source. 

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