Tuesday, October 25, 2011

{Day 26} Fail

This bliss came out of lots of fails. 

When I think through life and I think through the word “fail” the thing that crosses my mind the most is relationships.
What crosses your mind?

Relationships are what I have failed at most often.
What about you?

Either I wasn’t willing to risk enough, I risked too much, I was too shy, too nerdy, to churchy, too scared, too angry, too hurt, or too something.
Failing at relationships hurts. It is painful. It is not on my “to-do” list that’s for sure.
But even with all the failure I have experienced I have never given up.
Have you given up?

I have never said “I stink at having good girlfriends so to heck with it!”
Or I never said “I am 32, un-married and, no kids so I think I will give up and become a nun.”
Instead I take my failures, ask myself what went wrong, and then I try again. Usually after lots of tears, a gallon of ice cream, and a pity party that lasts a few days.

Stepping Stone #11
Fail and Fail Again.
I know I am only who I am today because of my failures. And I only hope to be a better person, wife, mother, child, employee, blogger, and more which means there are plenty more failures to come. Trust me I am not excited about them but I am excited to see the fruit from them.
Are you excited to tackle your next “fail”?
If you are in the midst of feeling like a failure or failing at something can I encourage you?
Sit in it. (I know that doesn’t sounds fun)
Talk it through with someone that can help you find light. (I know that means being vulnerable)
Admit where you need to make changes. (I know that means being real with yourself)
I recently had to sit, talk, and admit to my husband the places I was feeling like a failure, specifically around Cravings. And despite the fact that this is not his area of expertise he was able to see things I can’t see, he was able to help me recognize things I needed to do, and he was able to help me see the lessons learned in my “fail”.
Failure is just part of the gig. It is going to happen. It is what you do with it that is the question.

Break free Activity: Make a “fail” game plan. If you are in the midst of one what are you going to do? Or what will you do when you next fail comes? 

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