Sunday, October 2, 2011

{Day 3} Believe

I slip into bed and the feelings begin rolling into my thoughts. I am too tired to stop them. Feelings of doubt, insecurity, fear. I lay there wondering why anyone would value my words? I begin to question everything that has occurred in the hours prior. I re-think all the letters that have been typed, I fret about the spelling and grammar errors, and I ponder who will “unlike” me tomorrow.

How do I get to this “beat myself up/why bother” place?
I reside here in this land of uncertainty because I simply can’t believe. 
I get tired, worn down and I lose my ability to focus on what I trust to be true which is that I was created in the image of God.
He resides in me.
He sees me through a lens that I cannot imagine. 
He BELIEVES in me.
I need to make the choice to believe in myself.

I am thankful that morning comes.
As the sun rises and I read an early morning scripture the uncertainty fades and is replaced with certainty. 
I do believe.
He does believe in me and He does believe in YOU! 
You are His child.
Do you believe?

The first step on this journey to 31 days of Creativity is…believing. 
(I am hoping you caught the use of that word a few thousand times above)
All printables located here. 

Stepping Stone One:
Believe that you are creative.
Believe that God is creative.
I am not going to ask you right out of the gate to believe you are creative. I have no idea how long you have lived in a world in which you don’t feel creative. I simply need you to believe in the depths of your soul that God IS creative and that you were created in the image of God. And when I say to the depths of your soul I mean can you wake up in the morning and look at your face without make-up, bed head, and a bit of flab and see what God sees? Because He sees His reflection in you. He sees creativity.  Do you see?

Stories to remind you of God’s creative genius:
Genesis 1-3
Genesis 6-10
Luke 1-2 (be prepared to want Christmas decorations after this reading)
Luke 19:1-10

Breakfree Activity: Spend five more minute than normal with you and the mirror this day. Maybe you wash your face and apply the moisturizer that has been sitting unopened, experiment with a new shade of eye shadow, or play with your hair. Take the time to notice your eye color, face shape, and unique features and then say a prayer of thanks to God for who He created you into be.
Tomorrow: Walking Shoes for the journey. 


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