Monday, November 28, 2011

Bear Fruit

“A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.”
Isaiah 11:1
A stump left from a tree usually denotes loss. But beneath that stump, unseen by our eyes, are roots. With love and care applied those roots can create new growth. They can sprout life. That life can create shade for the weary, a home for creatures that are great and small, and food for those in need.
As a mother we are the branch that bears fruit. That fruit is our precious children. The question becomes how are your roots doing? Are your roots running along the surface or are you allowing yourself during this busy season to be deeply rooted in Christ’s story? Are you being watered by the miracle of His birth and the reminders that He came to earth to be our Savior? It is His arrival that brings us life and allows us to bear the fruit that we cherish with all our heart.

Put your hands in soil today. Plant a bulb that will bloom in the spring or buy an amaryllis plant and watch it bloom this season. 

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