Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Enemies Unite

“The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.”
Isaiah 11:6
Image from My Name is MUDD 
The idea of purposely calling up an enemy and asking them to lunch seems like a horrific idea. They are my enemies for a reason. I want nothing to do with them…ever! But little kids just get it, don’t they? Their worst enemy one minute can easily become their best friend the next. Hurt feelings created by lack of sharing, or name calling, or even a whack on the arm can easily be replaced with new memories created through a tickle war, the sharing of milk and cookies, or a few minutes playing imagination with dinosaurs.
The Christ child came to set the example. His unconventional birth story leads us to believe in miracles. Jesus came to show us the way even if that way is uncomfortable. Even is that way is reaching out with the hand of Christ and sorting with the lion in our lives.

Do you have someone that you need to make amends with? Lift that person up in prayer today and ask Christ to lead you into restoration with that person. 

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